All caregivers have questions
Help Me Grow Shasta has answers!

Free Information and Helpful Referrals for the Young Children in Your Life!
Child development resources for caregivers of children ages 0-8.
When will my baby say their first word?
Why do toddlers do what they do?
Why can’t young children tell the difference between what’s real and what’s make-believe?
How do I manage tantrums?
How can I help my 7-year-old manage their friendships?
I have questions or concerns about my child’s development.

Upcoming Events
Enjoy family time with your young child at a family-friendly community event.

Service Provider Training
Trainings and resources are available to help support children and families.

Medical Provider Training
Connect with Help Me Grow to learn more about our trainings on child developmental screening.
Contact Help Me Grow about:
Child Development
Speech & Language
Developmental Screening
Parenting Support Groups
School Readiness
Early Learning and Literacy
Education… and more!
Connecting to Help Me Grow is Easy!
Text HMGShasta to 898211
Call 530-605-2645 or 2-1-1 and ask for Help Me Grow
Email us at